Rebounding FAQs
Weight limit: 130 kg
Will I lose weight if I rebound?
Like all exercise, your potential benefits from rebounding will be influenced by your overall lifestyle. That said, rebounding burns more calories per minute than traditional forms of cardio (like running and cycling), and is excellent for building whole body strength – especially in the core. However, you can't exercise your way out of a poor diet.
If I have a back/knee/ankle injury can I rebound?
With all injuries, you need clearance from your doctor. But rebounding can be a wonderful rehabilitation exercise because it offers strength and stabilising benefits without impact on your joints.
Can my kids use the Lisa Raleigh Rebounder?
Yes, rebounding is an excellent activity for children. It teaches youngsters coordination and balance while encouraging physical fitness, and rebounding is far more likely to keep kids entertained than other solo forms of exercise.
How much weight can the bounti Rebounder take?
The Lisa Raleigh Rebounder can hold up to 130kg.
How do I watch the workout videos on my TV?
You can simply move your videos onto a USB and plug that into your TV. Or you can connect your laptop to your TV with an HDMI cable and watch videos that way.
What are the benefits of rebounding?
There are so many benefits of rebounding, from improving symptoms of depression, to weight loss and muscle strengthening. Click here to read the full list of benefits here.
What makes the bounti Rebounder different?
We’re very proud to offer you the highest quality rebounder in South Africa. Many mass-produced rebounders have a hard, jarring bounce, which means fewer health benefits and a higher risk of injury. The bounti Rebounder offers the following:
- A firm and buoyant bounce (not jarring)
- Foldable frames for portability
- High quality, strong mats
- Large, galvanised, wide belly springs for a smoother bounce
Can I rebound when I'm pregnant?
Rebounding is an optimal exercise method for pregnant women to stay in shape without incurring musculoskeletal trauma, and they’ll also enjoy the pelvic floor and ab strengthening benefits. However, pregnant women always need to clear all exercise with their health care provider.
How soon after having a baby can I rebound?
Gentle “health bouncing” on the rebounder is safe as soon as you’ve had your baby (this is a gentle motion where your feet don’t leave the mat). General exercise on the rebounder should only commence after your 6-week “all clear” check-up from your GP.
Can I use rebounding as a recuperation exercise after surgery?
Rebounding is low impact and much gentler on the body than many other forms of exercise. However, we advocate rebounding as an excellent exercise to practice once you’ve fully recovered from your surgery – not during recovery.
Is it ok to feel stiff in my lower abdomen area the day after rebounding?
This is very normal. The lower abdomen is targeted and strengthened the most when you bounce, so it will be the stiffest part of your body after a session. You’ll notice that this will change over time.
Is it normal to get a headache after rebounding?
Yes. Rebounding promotes the body’s natural detoxing processes, which may result in a headache. Be sure to drink plenty of water after every session.
Is it normal to feel nauseous after rebounding?
Nausea is a common side effect of the body’s natural detoxing process, along with headaches. A little nausea is natural after beginning sessions, and shouldn’t be experienced much thereafter.
Can I rebound if I have had a natural birth?
Yes, provided you have had the "all clear" from your doctor. We advocate rebounding as an excellent exercise for rebuilding ab and pelvic floor strength – but only once you have healed, not during recovery.
What about my leaky bladder?
Rebounding is one of the most effective ways to rebuild pelvic floor strength. If you suffer from a leaky bladder, start with very gentle rebounding and build up to bigger bounces over time. But keep going! You may totally alleviate symptoms over time.
Can I rebound if I have clips in my knees?
The general rule of thumb is: if you can walk, you can walk on a rebounder; if you can run, you can run on a rebounder. Rebounders are an incredible tool for physical recovery and are used frequently by physiotherapists as a non-impact form of exercise. That said, you always need the guidance of an expert if you are recovering from any ailment or are exercising post-surgery, so be sure to get their opinion before you begin bouncing.
Can I rebound if I am undergoing cancer treatment?
Many cancer patients find rebounding to be the most effective form of exercise, as it increases circulation and flushes the entire lymphatic system within a couple of minutes, while providing a good workout with no impact. However, clearance from your doctor is essential before beginning a new exercise regime.
Can I put my baby/toddler on the rebounder?
As soon as your baby can walk they are ready for the rebounder! With your supervision of course.
I am getting bored with my free workouts? Where can I find more?
Click here to head straight to the bounti Online Store, where you'll find plenty of affordable, at-home and class-style workouts.
How long should I rebound as a beginner?
As long or as little as you like – even just five minutes a day makes a great start. You may want to stick to under 20 minutes for the first two weeks, then extend the length of your workouts thereafter.
Do I have to use weights when Lisa does in her videos?
Weights are optional when you work out, and only light weights under 3kg are recommended.
Can I rebound if I’ve had a hip replacement?
Yes, rebounding helps prevent blood clots, increases circulation, strengthens your muscles and improves hip mobility. Rebounding doesn't tear down tissue but increases nutrients, oxygen, and circulation, which helps to nourish and rebuild cells.
Should I rebound with or without shoes?
If you have stable ankles, you can happily – and should – bounce barefoot. If you still need to build up strength in your ankles, bounce with trainers on until you're comfortable to go without. bounti soles are ideal for rebounding, because they're lightweight, have a gentle grip, but are as close to bare feet as possible.
What size is the bounti Rebounder?
Bungee Studio Deluxe:
- Diameter: 112cm
- Diameter of the Mat: 86cm
- Max weight: 150kg
Bungee Studio Bi-Fold:
- Diameter: 77.5cm
- Max weight: 90kg
- This Bungee Weighs: 6.34kg
Neon Bungee Studio Pro:
- Height: 32cm
- Diameter: 101 cm
- Max Weight: 90kg